'Events, dear boy, events.'

Every venue needs more events.
Every venue manager worries about events; events beyond their control, events they must respond to, events that jeopardise their actual planned events.

We've delivered the former. Repeatedly. And experienced the latter. Repeatedly. 

If you need help with either or both, we can help. Events, dear boy, events. Our contact details and social media listings are at the bottom of this page, or use the contact form on the right.

Why the name  e db e?
The original quote given above; 'Events, dear boy, events.' is credited as a response by former PM Harold Macmillan to a young journalist reputedly asking what a politician fears most. Whether he said it or not is disputed - see here for Robert Harris debating it http://tiny.cc/edbe - but the concept stands. What we fear in venues the most is what we crave the most.

And having the symbol for decibels in the name reminds us of some of our finest battles with local councils and stakeholders. Let us fight the good fight for you and your venue.

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Get in touch using the form below. Ask us anything. We're the event industry's AQA.